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Kaushal Umpires (Kaushal Seva Kendra)
Kaushal Umpires (Kaushal Seva Kendra)
Kaushal Umpires (Kaushal Seva Kendra)
Welcome to Kaushal Umpires (Kaushal Seva Kendra)
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WELCOME TO Kaushal Umpires(Kaushal Seva Kendra)
I have been involved in service work since the beginning. Wanted to do a lot for my parents. As long as he was there, I tried to follow his every order as an act of worship. I am thankful to the Almighty who has taught us a lot through life, living in such a family, such a culture, and while still learning a lot, it has filled me with the will to do something for the society and all species of living beings. My father has been my role model. He taught me that "decency is the mother of peace", "patience is a great weapon of man which with time can solve even the biggest problems", and service is the quality with which a person is natural. By making his birth meaningful, he starts walking on the divine path. I have made it the aim of my life that I will help every helpless, poor, destitute human being and rare creatures as much as possible. To the best of my ability, I will spend the rest of my life following my father's ideals and carrying his name forward. Yes, I don't have very good capital. But I hope that as soon as I start my work, many people will join me in cooperation, and I will easily be successful in fulfilling my dream. I will work sincerely in providing justice to everyone and will create a record.
परम श्रद्धेय पिता स्व0 कौशल कुमार माथुर एवं पूज्यनीय माता स्व0 रामलली माथुर जी के स्मृति एवं उनके श्रद्धांजलि स्वरुप शशीकांत द्वारा यह समाज की सेवा, समर्पण के भाव से लोक हित में कौशल अम्पायर्स (कौशल सेवा केन्द्र) ट्रस्ट का निर्माण किया गया है। जिसका मकसद हर वर्ग के प्रणियों के विकास, सुरक्षा, कल्याण एवं संवर्धन के लिए कार्य करना है जिससे परम श्रद्धेय पिता स्व0 कौशल कुमार माथुर एवं पूज्यनीय माता स्व0 रामलली माथुर जी का नाम, युगों-युगों तक अमर हो जाए। इस प्रकार उनकी स्मृति एवं सेवा भाव से हम शशीकांत के जीवन को भी एक उद्देश्य मिल जाए जिसे पूर्ण करते करते, मानव जीवन के लिए एक प्रेरणा मात्र बन सकूं। मेरे इस कार्य से मेरे वंश को एक प्रेरणा मिले और दूसरों (मानव, वृक्ष, पशु-पक्षी, इत्यादि सभी)की सेवा के लिए आगे भाव जागृत हो, उनके अंदर भारतीय संस्कृति की शुद्ध भावना बनी रहे।